Sunday, July 20, 2008

Common Marriage Problems

Life is not a bed of roses. Things are not that smooth as we expect them to be. Marriage is the most beautiful relationship that happens to everyone at some point of time. But, we people, because of our immature attitude and impatience, fail to keep the spark of married life alive.

Problems in marriage are bound to come, because two individuals having different personalities meet and then clashes take place. Times are not always the same. When a person gets married, there are lots of responsibilities that one has to bear. Amidst the day-to-day tensions, sometimes the person is not able to keep up the expectations of his/her partner. But then that does not mean he/she doesn't love his/her partner.

Signs Of Marriage Problem:
• Couples start getting a feeling that they have different tastes and don't have anything in common.
• They don't understand what to talk about with their partner.
• They don't take interest in their spouse's life.

Common Marriage Problems:

Financial problem
Couples often have clashes on money matters. One person might always be in the vague of saving money, while the spouse might be spendthrift. Thus, expenses are always an issue.

• Sexual Problem
When the sex life of couple diminishes dramatically, then there arises a need to sit down and do a meaningful conversation. In fact, reduced sexual desire is a sign indicative of serious marital problem.

• In Laws Marriage Problem

Married ladies are more often coming up with the problem of In-laws. This can be somewhat attributed to generation gap also. In-laws compare their times with that of their child's and this causes frustration.

• Communication Problem in Marriage
Lack of proper communication gives rise to misunderstandings, thereby causing clashes and tension.

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